“I Knew Men” is a whole-hearted drama story of a young woman, Anna, who somehow finds her way into a piano/singing music career through faith. Surrounded by what she thought were the greatest people in her life, she ends up getting hurt by the very people who helped her get to the top. A life changing event occurs that brings her through her hardest struggle, including watching her husband’s life spiral down a dark path where perhaps only music may save him. A very riveting story that keeps a good flow, and is packed with laughter, self-healing, fame, deceit, love, and death.
It was an indescribable thrill when I first read the above description and realized that complete strangers described my novel as “a very riveting story.” This dream is getting real. I’m scared. Scared and excited.
When I started this journey I had no idea whether my story would be shared with others. I wrote it for fun, to help me through a life transition. I had a blast doing it.
Now that I’m in the next phase of this amazing journey, I thought it would be interesting to share my experience, for better or worse. The manuscript review, editing process, deciding how and with whom to publish — even creating this website — everything is a new experience. Becoming a first time author is full of opportunities to learn and grow.
I’m Susan Jonason, and if you’ve ever dreamed of writing a novel, are trying to get something you’ve already written to the next stage, or you’re simply curious about all of this, I hope you’ll join me for the ride. My goal is to be open and honest with everything that happens to me and my baby — my first novel.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. I’d love to hear from you. Email me: [email protected]