Worlds colliding in the nicest way

Since approving “I Knew Men” for printing and distribution, I’ve been a bit of a basket case. To keep my head screwed on, I’ve thrown myself into my day jobs, all the while keeping an eye out for my novel to appear on Amazon. Even though I was told it would take a couple weeks, I’ve been hyper-anxious.


Although it had only been a little more than a week, on October 11, I typed the ISBN into the Amazon search bar. “I Knew Men” appeared! It was retailing in the US for $86.00. It also had listings all over the world, with varying prices. Crazy, right?

Today, Oct. 12, I reached out to my publication director at Newman Springs to ask about it. Lyndie said, “this is typical of Amazon until the settings are complete.” She added, “The book is available today for purchase on Barnes & Noble. They tend to be faster and more accurate than Amazon when listings first come out.”

My fingers flew across the keyboard as I typed “”! I did an author search, and my heart skipped a few beats: “I Knew Men” was listed for sale, for real! When I read the product details, my heart skipped another beat. I became teary-eyed over one particular detail.


60 years ago, a pioneering business woman with unshakable faith started a company that had a mission: to empower women to live life according to their priorities, and to give them a shot at any level of success for which they were willing to work. Mary Kay Ash built an amazing company that continues her legacy to this day.

I’ve owned my Mary Kay business for eight years. There hasn’t been a day that goes by when I haven’t been grateful to Mary Kay for giving someone like me a shot at the success I’ve enjoyed. The company she built provided me with the chance to build something that is all mine while surrounding myself with amazing women. They cheer me on, inspire me, and give me the opportunity to love on them. This beautiful and unique company, which changed my life, celebrated its 60th anniversary on September 13, 2023.

The uncanny publication date, as listed on Barnes & Noble

Unbeknownst to me until today, the publication date of “I Knew Men” is September 13, 2023.


I’m reminded of a scene near the beginning of “I Knew Men.” The main character, Anna, experiences a moment that is so powerful, she takes a moment to say, “Thank you, God.”

Today, having seen my two worlds collide and align, I truly know what that feeling is all about. It’s way better than what my imagination conjured up for Anna.

Thanks for the wink.